Comment to finance your professional training: all the solutions explained simply

Ah, professional training, it’s like vegetables: we know it’s good for us, but sometimes, we hesitate to dive in. Blame it on the costs that are scary. Good news, there are plenty of solutions to finance your professional training, and spoiler: some are even completely free. Want to know how to go about it? Hang on, we’re diving into the thick of it.

the personal training account (CPF): your best ally

You’ve probably heard about the CPF, this little hidden treasure in your digital space. Basically, it’s an account filled with euros or hours (if you were already in the workforce before 2015) that you can use to finance plenty of training programs.

how to find out how much you have in your CPF?

Easy: log in to the My Training Account website. Enter your credentials, and voila, you’ll know how much you have left. No CPF? No worries, it’s automatic as soon as you work in France.

which training programs are eligible?

The CPF doesn’t finance just anything (sorry ukulele class fans). The training programs must be certified or qualifying, meaning they must give you a real skill recognized in the job market. This could range from the TOEIC to a professional diploma, including a project management certification.

Tip: If your CPF doesn’t cover the full cost, some platforms offer co-financing (we’ll talk about this later).

Pôle emploi: the backup plan for job seekers

If you are in job search mode, don’t think that professional training is out of reach. Pôle emploi has a nice toolbox to help you finance all that.

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individual training assistance (AIF)

With the AIF, Pôle emploi can cover all or part of your training. To benefit from it, you need to prove that the training in question is relevant for your professional project. For example, if you want to become a web developer, a pastry-making course is unlikely to be approved (logical, right?).

individual operational training for employment (POEI)

The POEI is a somewhat magical system: it allows you to be specifically trained for a position that a company wants to offer you. Basically, it’s a win-win. The company trains you, and you land a job.

skills development plan: for employees

If you are an employee, your employer can finance your training through the skills development plan. It works like a training budget that the company makes available to its employees.

how to convince your boss?

No need to write a novel. Simply explain how the training will also benefit the company. For example: “If I train in project management, I’ll be able to better organize teams and save time.” Simple, effective.

regional and specific assistance: an unknown helping hand

The regions and certain organizations like AGEFIPH (for people with disabilities) offer specific assistance.

regional funding

Each region has its own mechanisms, often for jobs in high demand. For example, if your region lacks plumbers, it might finance training in that field.

AGEFIPH assistance

If you are a person with a disability, the AGEFIPH offers dedicated assistance to help you train and facilitate your professional integration. And good news: their processes are often much simpler than those of other organizations.

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comparison table of funding devices

DeviceFor whom?What it financesHow to benefit?
CPFEmployees and job seekersCertification trainingsDirect registration via My Training Account
AIF (Pôle emploi)Job seekersTraining adapted to the professional projectFile to be submitted to your Pôle emploi advisor
Skills planEmployeesTraining useful to the companyRequest from the employer
Regional aidsEveryone (subject to conditions)Trainings for jobs in high demandContact the region

good plans to complement your funding


If your help isn’t enough, some platforms offer to supplement the financing of your training. This can come from your employer, an OPCA (a training fund collecting organization), or other partners.

crowdfunding (yes, seriously)

It’s less common, but why not? If your training has a social or entrepreneurial goal, crowdfunding platforms can help you raise the necessary funds.

choosing your training and device wisely

Before diving headfirst into a training course, ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I want to do afterwards? If you don’t have a clear project, there’s no point in wasting your aids.
  • Is this training really useful? Some diplomas aren’t worth their price, so make sure to research the reputation of the training organization.
  • Have I checked all my options? Sometimes, regional aid or additional financing can make all the difference.

and afterwards?

Now that you know all the tips to finance your training, all you have to do is take action. Don’t wait for the stars to align: explore your rights, prepare your project, and go for it! And if this article was useful to you, feel free to share it with your friends or colleagues who are struggling to finance their training.

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